Monday, December 06, 2004

Tired body, tired hands

Had an interesting, but crazy morning today, what with preparing and serving drinks to the marathon runners today.

Didn't really look too bad, until the first (and seemingly only) wave of runners came at around 6 plus, all the way till 9 plus.

Opened bottles and poured drinks till all our hands were sore (and for some, blistered), because of the 14000 odd runners coming in one shot through this drink station, a lot thirsty and in a hurry to get to somewhere else ;)

Not enough sleep...think will need to crash a lot earlier today, even with a few short naps in between during the day. Think my room-mate's damn power, he's still doing his lab work at this time, and hasn't even gotten any rest yet since our commitment ended. But wonder whether he'll crash tomorrow or not heh heh...

Met a lot of people during (and after) the event, a friend from my previous school, Fonz, William and Veron, and Stanley (Ian's brother in law, who hasn't joined us for frisbee in a long time already).

Think its interesting to meet people this way, though if there were to be another of this event, I'd probably want to try out helping at another area (not drinks station again), or run myself ;)

Typing with a cut on one of the main typing fingers is no mean feat, I hope it heals fast, counting that I have a project to do still... =

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