Monday, December 27, 2004

The significance of Christmas

(Note: this post may offend people, although that's not my intention, you've been warned)

Over these few days of the weekend, I've come to realise (further) how important Christ's arrival on earth is.

I nearly cried (yes, serious) during dinner today, seeing the state of each and every one in my family...not only my mum, but also my brother and myself, how through the actions, and the attitudes that show from it all.

The sinful family, one that does a circus performance once every now and then, showing visitors that everything's nice and dandy and stuff, not that I advocate airing all our dirty linen to everyone that comes along our way, but with people that are going to be part of the family (in a human sense)? It becomes really saddening, really.

Not that I like to be like this, disrespectful, disobedient, avoiding home so as not to be annoyed sometimes, how long does this list go? Not that I enjoy doing these, but it still is a damn big struggle.

There's really no way ANYBODY could have come to realise about the only way to become right with God, the way we see society continually going down the dumps (even morally) in an ever going downward spiral.

(Coming back to hall, read the news about the earthquakes and for the first time (I think), tsunamis in the south-east asian region? If you haven't realised, we're continually losing control of our planet as the years go by, even though we're certainly trying our best to preserve it.)

Seeing all these happen, I can only thank God that He's willing to forgive us, on account of what this Man has done, because, there's absolutely nothing I can ever do in this lifetime, nor the next few hundred (even IF there ever were such a thing as reincarnation).


sernkhoon said...


Anonymous said...

We are human afterall and we need God's grace and mercy.

Unknown said...

True...but not everyone comes to accept that fact and also whom is it shown in: Christ

Anonymous said...

hi.. long time no talk... well... people need time to grow and learn and we all learn along the way.... some take longer to learn while others, (thank God), perhaps learn using a shorter time... patience my friend.. yup, patience... that's why we all need 1st cor 13 as a reminder i guess... just placed that card about "love" into my wallet.. realised that it's so hard for me or should i say, i'm e least loving person in every way.. i find it hard to love and i think it's hard for people to love me too, with e exception of a few ppl who loves me.. =) By God's grace, He loves us even when we're unloveable.. =) sigh.. n i have problems esp with one classmate of mine.. lots of problems but i really do hope i can reach out to her... Let's see how God works.. and if He presents an opportunity, I'll grab it.. till then.. may i just learn to love just like how God has loved me... =) Happy New Year! -u