Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Although the coming five weeks will not be easy-going in terms of time-commitments, but I'm certainly glad for having gone for dinner and watching the talks by D.A. Carson, from Rev 12 and 13 (still got one more, on Rev 14), have heard a lot today, but will need (a lot) more processing first...

Certainly am glad, for Christ's work on the cross, short of which we all would've nothing to do with one another, coming together in such a way.

On a lighter note, think I got reminded of the first time I "read" the bible, when referred to regarding the origins of my (ex-)school crest, the interpretation of which was certainly off.



Anonymous said...

Philip Jensen did some great talks on Revelation at Campus Bible Study at the Uni of NSW in 1999. Matthias Media turned them into a CD - you should listen to them if you get the chance :)


Unknown said...

I sure will when I get the chance to get my hands on them