Monday, February 06, 2006


Really rebuked to the point of no excuse, not by man, but by God.

The castle of escapist pride I inadvertently built became nothing more than a blinding prison to me. What a fool I've been!

But thank God, that the gospel of Christ that sets us free from sin is the very same gospel that continues to open our eyes.

The only thing that comes now is the response to it (literally another two ways to live) : to live for others' good because Christ had done ultimately so for us, or to continue in my blind pride and live in my own prison.

Sounds like a very obvious decision to make eh? But the simplest of choices can be the hardest to make. May God grant me the strength to make the correct decision by His Spirit...

With regard to some other issues, will need to think through on them though, it doesn't seem quite right still for some of them...Pray that God will allow me to think wisely on these things.

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