Sunday, August 28, 2005

A recursive relation

Just a thought:

As part of our Christian walk, we meet fellow believers to encourage them in their Christian walk...

And that Christian walk also is encouraging others in their Christian walk...

So...We not only encourage others, we also encourage them to encourage others!! ;)

Lol...I'm not crapping here ok! In the field of ER diagramming, this is called a recursive relationship, because as we encourage others, others also encourage us. (ok, the last part was out of point)


Anonymous said...

Recursive made possible only when the ER diagram is "normalised".

Hope it's possible now to do "the latter part that seems impossible".

Unknown said...


What latter part?

Anonymous said...

the latter part of not regreting...

Unknown said...'s possible...and thanks for what you did, it helped a lot.

Although I hope to do the former now, as with all other things... It'll certainly be blatant idiocy/stubbornness to go back to treating others in such an irresponsible manner.