Thursday, April 29, 2004


Have finally started my long "procrastinated" attempt to type out my sermon/bible study notes, cos' 1) people can't read my handwriting, 2) I sometimes have trouble reading what I wrote, 3) it's better that way, more-readeable = more-shareable (well, at least in terms of readeability lah! not content =P ), and 4) it's a good reminder/good refresher to think through about

Well anyways, here's the first entry in my book, though some of the points did raise some questions in my mind.... :

4 Jan 2004
"Becoming a contagious christian"
Luke 15: Usually Jesus uses one parable to explain one thing, but here He uses 3 instead! (abt the lost sheep)

-If you were chained to a non-christian, will you spread your faith to them? Or are you a "contaminated christian"?
-We're "chained" to the people around us

Acts 26:28
-Background: Paul, in Rome, was placed under hose arrest for 2 years, and every Roman soldier "chained" to him were influenced/converted(?)
-We need to be convicted that people matter to God
-Also: Aquila, Timothy and others whose lives were examples

1)The Lesson from Science
-The Anthropic Principle: everything in the universe is just nice for earth, and life, etc.
>People matter to God (creation)

2)The Lesson from Business
-The Customer Revolution: the customer is at the top, not the bottom
>Growth depends on how you value and serve people outside

3)The Lesson from Jesus
-The 3 parables in Luke 15:
i ) Lost sheep
ii ) The woman with 10 coins
a. The coins are the Palestinian woman's head-dress, signifying marriage, equivalent to the ring
b. It's VERY hard to find a small coin in the (dark) house
iii) The Prodigal Son
>People matter to God (actions)

1) Seeking the lost people is worth the effort
2) We have a mission. Luke 19:10, John 17:18
3) Let's bring on the parties in heaven! Luke 15:10

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