Tuesday, March 30, 2004

22nd Executive Committee

Just came back from our Annual General Meeting, and yeah, got elected into the committee as a member...

Topic of the short talk was taken from Titus 1:5-9, about the leaders in the christian body, not only living lives worthy of the gospel (which all christians are called to also), but also protecting the gospel, teaching and handling the gospel well.

Not to say anything about myself, but I think the previous ex-co has done a good job in preserving the gospel and nurturing the others too, hence, people such as we (the new committee) are even able to mature and grow to serve in the ex-co, and that it was a fruitful year where the members grew in their understanding of the faith too...

Hence, now with us being the next generation CGLs and ex-co, certainly hope to be able to continue the Lord's work in the CF, along with us growing too lah!

And as usual, the weird phenomenon with cameras begun shortly after the AGM came to an end... lol

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