Sunday, July 15, 2007


Just came back from PTBC. Here're some of the lessons learnt from it and other events these few days/weeks:
  1. Greed/discontentment/covetousness is idolatry. Because we do not trust God to take care of us in this world, and want to rely on the abundance of money to get our security.
  2. Generosity has much more meaning than being a good person when put in perspective with things like Luke 16. The money/resources given are meant for us to handle wisely: for bringing people into the Kingdom.
  3. (Looks like the laptop/spanking new WiFi-enabled handphone that I'd really love to get can wait.)
  4. Suffering and identifying with Christ go hand in hand. Don't ever forget that.
  5. Three grown men can be very afraid of one small cockroach.
  6. I have forgotten to treat my mum as I should be recently.
  7. I have forgotten to treat Yifen as I really should be recently.
The list could go on I guess, but stopping at the number 7 would seem to be perfect for a Christian list.

Yeah right ;)

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