Friday, May 28, 2004

Q&A: Dilemma

Running an evangelistic program with your cell, but I'd be lying if I
said that I agreed with everything said there for the sessions, and
also having different doctrinal beliefs from the rest, but yet not to
dispute/quarrel/discuss there, just keep quiet, cos not the correct

How how how how how?

1) Carry on joining them, since it's evangelistic...but something's
not right here either...not really the "true" gospel in some ways?

2) Stop joining...but would come back to the qn of why am I in this
church in the first place then

3) Or what?


Anonymous said...

Know what you mean... but i guess at this point, we have to remember that since we are still in the church, we are still under the authority of the church, so we should obey them. But keep praying that you'll find like-minded people who would stand firm in the Word with you and in whatever ways you can, reach out to the non-christians and share with them the true gospel! Keep persevering! --Shifu =)

Anonymous said...

As stated in my email, really want to encourage you to discuss with people in church tt you are comfortable with. (I would love to talk to you about it) Don't minimize it or put it aside if you are troubled by it. You will be carrying the burden longer. -BuzzLightyear