Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ministry Matters

Ministry, does matter.

Be it in regard to non-believers, or professing christians.

Ministry, does matter.

There's really a lot that I need to improve on, but thank God for His work in us.

Somehow (although I know it's just my sinful self), I've stopped loving people, friends and relatives in almost all of my circles, and have become a present day Pharisee, loving only truth in itself, but unconcerned with what God truly is concerned about.

So, if you want to help me, do ask me how am I in this area from time to time, ok? ;)


Thank God for a lot of things: PT, John Chapman(section on Influences on Sydney Anglicanism), Vaughan Roberts, the talks, the wonderful people who went for various reasons, and Christ, without whom many things, like this post will not exist.

The weekend was really wonderful, not only hearing God's word being preached, but also the chance to talk to a few about ministry, and to get to know people.

May we all continue to remind one another of the things that do matter, till the day He arrives, that we may continue to be vigilant in keeping the gospel that has been passed down to us, fulfilling the task given to us all.

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