Thursday, October 21, 2004


Utopian? Or ignorant? Or unaware?

In talking and understanding more about The Situation with A, before CC and TYC came too, I'm reminded of how painfully shallow my thought process has been, probably ever since I realised it the hard way since army times.

But of course, I'd want to think through the things at hand thoroughly, and clearly!

Even thinking through, can only thank God that by His grace, I've come to be saved by his Gospel..

Came back from a day of studying to find my wing mates (neighbours) having some "revenge" on one of the fuys who had been especially evil to the rest in his behaviour. The thing that happened to him? He got ALL his things removed from his room, and scattered (and hidden inside) to MANY rooms within our block. And he had to go around and find it by following clues that led from one to the next when he found the item, after hard guessing and begging when he finally found the room.

Quite funny, the entire episode. Managed to video some parts of it on camera, lol

Only thing is that seeing the whole lot of them, only served to make me more....concerned

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