Monday, October 25, 2004

Suffering -> Endurance -> Character (-> Hope)

It's 5.20am, and have just reached back hall from the "extended" time of studying-turned-sharing or talking, etc.

Ended up not studying at all today, cos of various reasons. But I'm glad, because it's been a long time since I've had the chance to listen to people talk about themselves really, and to know them a little more.

Have gotten to see for myself how real these things are: that suffering leads to endurance, and endurance leading to character. Now that we have hope in our future glory in Christ, how much more are we able to endure, because of what Christ has done!

I think it's quite amazing how God's sovereignty holds true still all throughout time, but sometimes it's when we look back, then we see, or understand.

Heh still blur about a lot of things, but that's probably just that I'm unobservant ;) Oh well..

I think it's time to sleep.

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